The independence myth and self-reliance

We hear the word independence and we feel a warm, reassuring sensation that runs through us. We feel at peace, knowing that the vagaries of life will not have us knocking on doors, with pleading eyes, asking for a helping hand.
It makes us feel superior, almost invincible.
In our striving for independence, we want to be able to achieve, and attribute our accomplishment to our sheer dedication and work.
We readily forget that, we humans, constitute the cells of a larger body called humanity.
We forget, propelled by our individualistic drive, that the food and the shelter provided by our parents is the reason why we are still breathing.

The roads that allow us to travel, the bread kneaded by our neighborhood baker, the vegetable that grow on the farmer land, the car that takes us to work. The examples are infinite.
With all the money in the world, we couldn't get these things, if they are not available.
We depend on each other, and all our victories are the results of a concerted effort, most of the time unconscious, of all our fellow humans
We most often than not, confuse independence with self-reliance.
Self-reliance would be the ability to depend on ourselves, while seeking help if need be.
We can rely on our self, but we depend on all the other cells that make up humanity to exist.
