Relashionship between pain and negative feeling

Upon waking up on a hot summer day, we groggily trudge half dressed to the bathroom.

There is enough light coming from the overhead half-open window, but our hand flips the light switch on out of habit.
Through squinted eyes, we feel repelled by the sight of our over bulging stomach in the spotted glass.
We curse between clenched teeth, freshen up, take a cursory breakfast and head to the closest gym.
We pay the fees and after changing into adequate attire, we start moving around the gym with no clue as to what we need to do.
We lift different dumbbells, and we do a couple of spins on the static bike.
after a while we start feeling discomfort that turns into a searing pain in our legs, and we know that it is time to stop and engage in a less demanding activity.

Pain, happiness, sadness or fear make up the alphabet that our body uses to communicate with us.
When we feel pain, our body telling to stop whatever we are doing because the activity we are engaged in is not suitable to our body's fitness level or constitution.
In the same way that pain alerts us about misusing our bodies, bad feeling tell us that we are misusing our brain and thoughts in the wrong way.

Happiness and health is the norm. It is the natural state of a balanced body.
Feeling bad should be a warning for us to try to change our mood and disposition by redirecting our thoughts to enjoyable events.
If left unchecked bad feeling will attract more thoughts, situations or people that will reinforce them.
