Femininity ,masculinity and relationships

Everything in our world is made of opposites, black and white, male and female, and ebb and flow.
These opposites are also entwined because one could not exist without the other.

There is darkness in light, and there is light in darkness. There is a bit of ebb in the flow as there is a little of femininity in masculinity and a little of masculinity in femininity.
Its all a matter of proportions.

In relationship, an overly masculine women will attract a feminine man, and a masculine man will attract a feminine woman.
Sometimes within a relationship, a masculine woman for whatever reason, gets united to a masculine man.
These unions don't last. We could equate them to placing two positively charged magnets next to each other. They will ultimately end up repelling each other, no matter how opiniated and great our efforts to bring them closer to each other.

We complete each other. Plants need sun and rain and our bodies need light to walk the earth and darkness to be recharge and rest.
Balance is the essence of our universe. If we eat too much, we get sick, if we exercise more than we should, we get cramps and if we study into the early hours of the morning, we get headaches.
A matrimony needs a balance between femininity in a woman and masculinity in a man, an excess or a scarcity of either one of these ingredients would cause a union to disintegrate.

We can't force things to happen and expect agreeable results, as we sometimes in our excitement, by trying to circumvent these laws.
We end up with a pale victory, a victory with insipid taste and distasteful consistency, like a dish cooked on a scorching fire to indulge a hungry impatient stomach.
